
A mostrar mensagens de dezembro, 2010

VIDEO - Happy Holidays 2010 - XCell-Center

VIDEO - Happy Holidays 2010 - XCell-Center

Patrick Henry Hughes - Inspirational Story


Saúde - Nova unidade de Estimulação Cerebral em Coimbra - RTP Noticias, Vídeo

Saúde - Nova unidade de Estimulação Cerebral em Coimbra - RTP Noticias, Vídeo

Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy: This rare disorder is a call to arms for doctors and patients to control seizures

John Travolta's 16-year-old son, Jett, who suffered from uncontrolled seizures, died suddenly on Jan. 2, 2009, while on vacation with his family in the Bahamas. After an autopsy, “seizure” was listed as the cause of death. Later that year, in another heart-wrenching case, Steve Wulchin went to wake his 19-year-old son, Eric, and found him lying on the floor of their home in Boulder, CO. Eric, whose last seizure was six months before, had died unexpectedly during the night. These two high-profile cases have heightened public awareness of sudden unexplained death in epilepsy (SUDEP), a rare disorder responsible for 2 percent to 18 percent of deaths in people with epilepsy... (cont)

Speak Up: Rising Above Limits and Labels—I fulfilled my dreams in spite of a cerebral palsy

Free AccessAuthor InformationFrom 1993 to 1995, Shanna McCoy served on the Governor's Developmental Disability Planning Council for Arkansas, and is still a member of the Arkansas Disability Coalition. My mother was the kind of woman you didn't want to say no to. When a pediatrician told her that I would never read, walk, or talk, my mother responded, “My daughter will be walking by the time I'm through.” It took me a long time to even sit up and stand on my own, but two and half years later, my mother was right. I was able to walk. At the age of 18 months I was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. The cause: severe brain trauma from a forceps injury during birth. No one volunteered this information; a receptionist accidentally left my medical records on the desk and my mother decided to look through them. But I never really accepted the fact that I was “Disabled” with a capital “D.” As a child, I convinced myself that I was an ordinary girl who possessed some extraordinary gifts...

Proyecto Foltra - Defienden el tratamiento con hormonas para mejorar a los pacientes con daño cerebral

TODO Castilla y León - 10 de diciembre de 2010 El catedrático de Fisiología Humana de la Universidad de Santiago Jesús Devesa Múgica ha defendido este viernes en Salamanca el tratamiento con hormonas de crecimiento y melatonina unido a prácticas de fisioterapia, logopedia y terapia ocupacional para mejorar la calidad de vida de los personas con daño cerebral. Así lo ha señalado en una rueda de prensa previa a su intervención en la Universidad de Salamanca (USAL), en la que ha explicado su Proyecto FOLTRA, Fe, Optimismo, Lucha y Trabajo, encaminado a la ayuda para la rehabilitación física e intelectual del paciente neurológico, con daño cerebral o periférico, congénito o adquirido. Devesa Múgica ha sostenido que inició del programa debido a "la necesidad", tras su sufrir su hijo mayor un grave accidente de tráfico. A él le aplicó "de forma empírica" todo lo que le había reportado la investigación realizada durante más de treinta años en hormona del crecimiento. De es...

Primeira Dama visita AFID

A Primeira Dama visitou ontem a AFID e na reportagem fez questão de referir a importância da Intervenção Precoce. O Q. deu o ar da sua graça e até lhe disse o seu famoso e alegre "buuuu". É com satisfação que fazemos parte deste projecto.

Proyecto Foltra - No podemos

...Hay un teléfono con más de 7000 llamadas pendientes de contestar. Hay más de 3000 informes, enviados por correo o por fax, pendientes de ser valorados, y hay más de 8000 pacientes en lista de espera para ser atendidos...

Proyecto Foltra - Buenas noticias a pesar de todo

...PCIs que dejan de serlo, total o parcialmente; niños que comienzan a ver por primera vez en sus vidas, así lo indican los potenciales evocados visuales y las pruebas de visión; una joven que también comienza a ver tras 14 años de ceguera por un traumatismo cráneo-encefálico con importante afectación de la corteza occipital (donde se reciben las señales visuales enviadas desde la retina); comienzo de la marcha y recuperación de la simetría facial en un joven con un grave daño cerebral tras accidente de tráfico; informes de revisión hospitalarios de niños con PCI en los que se evidencian las mejorías obtenidas; registros electro-encefalográficos en los que (sorprendentemente...) desaparecen las actividades epilépticas; e informes de fisioterapeutas y logopedas de un importante hospital insular dedicado a la asistencia de niños con déficits, en los que se constata que lo que era un síndrome sin tratamiento está ya dejando de serlo (aparición de movimientos oculares donde antes era la m...

Testimonio de una pediatra

Miércoles 15 de Diciembre de 2010 Lo acabamos de recibir, es el testimonio de una pediatra que ha valorado a 4 niños con parálisis cerebral infantil a tratamiento. Así dice, respetando como siempre la privacidad: Jesús, anteayer vi por segunda vez a 4 niños de Foltra. Sus avances han sido espectaculares, especialmente el que peor estaba, I.D, ha pasado de venir totalmente rígido y desconectado a venir abrazado a su madre, sonriendo y "alucinado con la nevera y el horno". También los demás han mejorado muchísimo. Estoy encantada de participar en este proyecto. Mil gracias. Feliz Navidad a todos, un fuerte abrazo,

Fundação AFID


Terapia Sacro Craniana

A Terapia Sacro Craniana foi desenvolvida pelo médico e osteopata americano Dr. John Upledger, após um estudo científico intensivo entre 1975 e 1983, enquanto professor de biomecânica e investigador clínico na Universidade Estatal de Michigan nos Estados Unidos da America. A Terapia Sacro Craniana é uma terapia manual, muito suave, que tem como objectivo avaliar e melhorar a função fisiológica do sistema sacro craniano, um sistema fisiológico do qual fazem parte as membranas cranianas e o liquido cefalo raquidiano que envolve e protege o cérebro e a espinal medula. Este sistema mantém uma relação entre o sacro e o cranio através do tubo dural e está exposto a tensões anormais que podem causar alterações em várias partes do corpo. Usando um toque muito leve, de uma maneira geral não superior a 5 gramas, o terapeuta sacro craniano pode libertar certas restrições no sistema sacro craniano e dissipar os efeitos negativos do stress sobre o sistema nervoso central, facilitando o processo de ...

Nighttime sleep found beneficial to infants' skills

November 16, 2010 At ages 1 and 1-1/2, children who get most of their sleep at night (as opposed to during the day) do better in a variety of skill areas than children who don't sleep as much at night. That's the finding of a new longitudinal study conducted by researchers at the University of Montreal and the University of Minnesota. The research appears in the November/December 2010 issue of the journal Child Development. The study, of 60 Canadian children at ages 1, 1-1/2, and 2, looked at the effects of infants' sleep on executive functioning. Among children, executive functioning includes the ability to control impulses, remember things, and show mental flexibility. Executive functioning develops rapidly between ages 1 and 6, but little is known about why certain children are better than others at acquiring these skills. "We found that infants' sleep is associated with cognitive functions that depend on brain structures that develop rapidly in the first two ye...

Plasticity supports cognitive recovery after brain damage

November 3, 2010 New research provides fascinating insight into mechanisms that underlie recovery after damage to a region of the brain important for memory and attention. The research, published by Cell Press in the November 4th issue of the journal Neuron, highlights the role of undamaged portions of the brain that can "take over" and support the recovery of function. Brain damage can have devastating consequences, depending on the location and severity of the injury. Damage to an area of the brain called the prefrontal cortex often results in deficits in memory and attention. However, people can recover some function over time. Studies examining recovery after motor or language deficits have indicated that undamaged regions of the brain can compensate for the damaged areas . While it is clear that neural plasticity is necessary for functional recovery after damage to the prefrontal cortex, specific mechanisms of cognitive recovery are not as well understood. "In our c...


Para quem está interessado, a Ostifarma, na Amadora, já está a comercializar os Theratogs. SA

XCell Center

Esta semana demos mais um passo que eu espero que seja um grande passo: o Q. fiz o transplante de células estaminais no XCell Center. Estamos muito optimistas, correu melhor que o previsto porque o Q. conseguiu ter uma quantidade enorme e extraordinária de células. Portanto, o potencial estava lá, estava era no sitio errado :-)E agora está no sitio certo. Torcemos para que o Menino Jesus nos traga resultados e por um ano de 2011 em grande.

XCell-Center News: Journey leads to 'better life' - for cerebral pals...

Journey leads to 'better life' - for cerebral palsy patient after stem cell therapy Avaia looks at people's faces. That's the biggest difference her mother has noticed since the community rallied to send the two-year-old to Germany for special bone marrow stem cell treatment. She had trouble paying attention before. Her eyes would wander constantly. Lights attracted her attention but not her focus. "Since we've been back, she's taking time to look at things, she's focusing a lot better, even on people's faces," Ashley DiMarco said. "If she's interested in it, it could be a toy, a person, anything, she just really takes her time to focus on what it is. She does take her breaks, but she's doing so much better. She is much more alert." Avaia has spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy. She is unable to walk, talk or communicate, and eats through a feeding tube. Her parents heard about the treatment at a private clinic, XCell-Center i...

G Therapy

Olá. Há poucos dias deram-nos mais uma dica, que ao que parece, está a ter bons resultados. Chama-se G Therapy e é na India. Para quem é adepto de terapias ou tratamentos alternativos, como eu, é mais um passo importante uma vez que é baseado na homeopatia. Aqui vai o link: Sara